A Love Lost
It didn’t take me a long time to realise that i could somewhat control the future.
I couldn’t do it intentionally but i could.
I’d have a dream that would later become reality and whatever decisions i made in the dream would have an impact on the future event.
I hadn’t put so much thought into it honestly. It felt like luck, like there wasn’t more to it and it was just pure coincidences because I haven’t been in enough scenarios to come to the conclusion that i could control the future.
It started with a dream about my sister then my mom, a friend. People i knew.
If they survived in my dream, then they would when the situation comes up in reality.
I closed my eyes and called on sleep as i hoped I wouldn’t have any dreams today. It didn’t happen everyday and that was a good thing. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s life.
I opened my eyes rapidly and. stared at my ceiling confused. I had a dream but this time I didn’t know the person.
I didn’t save the person either because it seemed like God was trying to tell me that my dreams and reality clashing were just coincidental. She was beautiful though and it was a hard decision.
Maybe this was the first step to ridding myself of this unwanted responsibility.
I got up from my bed and prepared to leave for school. I had a class soon and i was going to be late if i wasted any more time pondering.
“Hi, I’m sorry but do you have any idea where the bursary office is”. I raised my head up at the voice that just spoke to me.
I was sitting in one of the school lounges trying to complete an assignment when the voice distracted me. I liked her voice.
I looked up and i stared deeply at her, giving no response.
She stared at me confused and waiting.
She was the girl from my dreams earlier this morning.
Only now, she wasn’t in a wedding gown and she wasn’t in danger.
My heart rate increased because in that moment, i knew that i let my wife die.
On our wedding day.